Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
Tender no. 83473268 Support Invest Moldova Agency portfolio activity in Gagauzia region 12/09/2024
GIZ - Junior Advisor in Computer Science/IT 12/09/2024
Tender no. 91183107 for the provision, installation, connecting and commissioning of the gas-fired Thermal Power Plat at the Community Center of Peresecina and of the boiler at the Community House in Mitoc of Orhei District. 10/09/2024
GIZ - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisor, National Level Support 09/09/2024
GIZ - Economic Analyst 09/09/2024
Tender no. 91183019 for the procurement of Office furniture 05/09/2024
Tender no. 91183005 for the procurement of ICT equipment for 10 Unified Public Service Centers (CUPS) 05/09/2024
Tender no. 91183004 for the procurement of furniture for 10 Unified Publice Service Centers (CUPS) 05/09/2024
Tender no. 83472699 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on for the transposition and implementation of the EU Acquis for the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadastre 04/09/2024
Tender no. 83472697 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal consulting services for the Ministry of Environment 04/09/2024
Tender no. 83472696 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory in coordinating EU Integration efforts 04/09/2024
Tender no. 83472695 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services in the security 04/09/2024
Licitație deschisă pentru achiziționarea serviciilor de organizare de evenimente 03/09/2024
Tender no. 83472517 Study on the Business Process Outsourcing market for policy development 02/09/2024
Tender no. 83472515 Event management for Antreprenor Expo event 02/09/2024
Tender no. 83472511 Labour-market research on NEETs-specific employment opportunities in six Moldovan regions 02/09/2024
Tender no. 83472391 for the provision of services for the development of a Visual Identity Card and Content Creation 30/08/2024
Tender no. 91182870 Provision of furniture for schools 29/08/2024
Tender no. 83472217 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal, organisational, methodological and strategic advice for the elaboration and promotion of the Law on the Organisation and Function of Public Institutions 28/08/2024
Tender no. 83471974 for Provision of services for the development of media campaign 23/08/2024
Extended deadline for Expression of Interest (EOI) Technical planning, construction and electrical works 23/08/2024
Tender no. 83471894 Elaboration of the feasibility study for the construction of a multifunctional sports complex in Soroca Municipality 22/08/2024
Tender no. 83471891 for acquisition of the services for development of Energy Audits for 60 single family houses 22/08/2024
Tender no. 83471888 Print services for project activities 22/08/2024
Tender no. 91182568 Provision of IT Equipment 22/08/2024
83471694 for acquisition of the services for Facilitation, Moderation and Supervision of the Development of an Application Platform in the context of the MREEF 20/08/2024
Tender no. 83471693 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on modernizing/reengineering of public services delivered by the central public authorities in the Republic of Moldova 20/08/2024
Tender no. 83471671 for the contracting of a company to provide Comprehensive selected agricultural Value Chains (VCs) analysis (stone fruits and nuts) 20/08/2024
GIZ - Senior Financing Advisor 13/08/2024
Tender no. 83471159 Provision of in-country transportation services for project activities on demand 10/08/2024
Tender no. 83471158 PR, Branding, and Communication services 10/08/2024
Tender no. 83471157 for the contracting of a service provider to support the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) in developing and conducting a gender-sensitive training program for leaders of Moldovan diaspora associations 10/08/2024
GIZ - Legal Advisor 08/08/2024
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) Technical planning, construction and electrical works 07/08/2024
Tender no. 83470085 for the provision of services for a communication Campaign, Roadshow and Media Competition 07/08/2024
Tender no. 83470856 Elaboration of feasibility studies on the modernisation of public transport services in Soroca and Comrat municipalities 06/08/2024
Tender no. 83470564 Photography and video services for communication purposes 01/08/2024
GIZ - Civil Engineer or Architect 31/07/2024
Tender no. 83470169 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on provision of expertise, support, mentorship, and training in the area of Project Management 31/07/2024
Tender no. 83469749 for acquisition of the services for development of Energy Audits for 60 single-family houses 19/07/2024
Tender no. 83469634 for procurement of IT services - development of the Electronic Record and Analysis Register of criminal cases under the management of the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office 18/07/2024
Tender no. 83468670 for further development of the National Energy Management Information System 17/07/2024
GIZ - PR and Communications Specialist 15/07/2024
GIZ - Computer Scientist / IT Expert 15/07/2024
Tender no. 83469081 for acquisition of the services for Development of Energy Audits for 10 Household Associations 10/07/2024
Tender no. 91181757 Procurement of 4 motor vehicles 10/07/2024
Tender no. 83468901 for the contracting of a company to provide support to the State Chancellery in development of training materials and delivery of trainings on public policy development, monitoring and evaluation 08/07/2024
Tender no. 91181647 Procurement of 3 motor vehicles 04/07/2024
Tender no. 83468530 for procurement of IT services 02/07/2024
Tender no. 83468337 For the contracting of the service provider for the provision of services for the modernization of the Pre-appointment/booking module of the Applicant Flow Management System Electronic Queue and its integration with government platforms at the level of data exchange and statuses. 28/06/2024
Tender no. 83468194 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on establishing the Centers for Unified Public Service Delivery (CUPS) 26/06/2024
GIZ - Component Manager 26/06/2024
GIZ - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisor 25/06/2024
GIZ - Civil Engineer or Architect 25/06/2024
IPRE a organizat o sesiune de instruire pentru dezvoltarea abilităților digitale în rândul profesioniștilor din domeniul justiției din Republica Moldova 21/06/2024
GIZ - Legal Advisor 20/06/2024
Tender no. 83467567 Development of Studies for Smart Specialization for the South Region and ATU Gagauzia 14/06/2024
Tender no. 83466707 Organisation of local study visits 03/06/2024
GIZ - Climate Policy Advisor 03/06/2024
Eveniment de instruire „Sport pentru Dezvoltare” destinat tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 16 și 24 de ani care sunt în căutarea unor oportunități de angajare.  28/05/2024
Tender no. 91180967 for the procurement of technical equipment for a water company 21/05/2024
Notă analitică IPRE: Identitatea digitală în rândul tinerilor din Republica Moldova. Studiu de caz: Voucherul Cultural 21/05/2024
GIZ - Portfolio Manager 15/05/2024
Tender no. 91180663 for the procurement of IT Equipment 03/05/2024
Tender no. 91180475 for the procurement of vehicles 02/05/2024
Tender no. 83464567 PR, Branding and Communication services 02/05/2024
Tender no. 83464488 For the contracting of a service provide for production and printing of promotional materials for Moldova Digital Summit 2024 30/04/2024
GIZ - Junior Administrative and Content Specialist 26/04/2024
Tender no. 83464326 For the contracting of the event management and logistics service provider for the support in organizing: International Event Moldova Digital Summit 2024 26/04/2024
RE-Tender no. 83461086 for establishment and operation of a Learning Energy Efficiency Network among local authorities in Moldova 24/04/2024
Tender no. 83464098 Development of technical planning documentation for the construction of Multifunctional Sport Complex in Soroca 24/04/2024
Tender no. 83464101 Development of technical planning documentation for the construction of Regional Business Center in Comrat 24/04/2024
Tender no. 91180499 for the procurement of water meters 24/04/2024
GIZ - Legal Advisor 24/04/2024
GIZ - Climate Policy Advisor 24/04/2024
IPRE a organizat o sesiune de instruire pentru dezvoltarea abilităților digitale în rândul bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova 22/04/2024
Tender no. 83463513 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on central level civil service and professional development 16/04/2024
Tender no. 83463504 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on local level civil service and professional development 16/04/2024
Tender no. 83463488 Venue, accommodation, and catering services for the training organization 16/04/2024
Tender no. 83463125 Support for the National Anticorruption Centre in communicating anticorruption and integrity practices through events 10/04/2024
Tender no. 91180162 for the procurement of prizes (tablet, smart watch, fitness tracker, Bluetooth headphones) for the winners at NAC anticorruption and integrity outreach events 05/04/2024
Tender no. 83462797 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal expertise 04/04/2024
Tender no. 83462790 Evaluation and adjustment of the National Development Programme for Growth Pole Cities 2021-2027 04/04/2024
Tender no. 83462787 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide legal advisory services on human resources management and civil service 04/04/2024
RE - Tender no. 83462785 Enhancing the newly created Cahul Local Transparency Council in its engagement of ensuring transparent local governance and citizens involvement in the decision-making process 04/04/2024
Tender no. 83462783 Enhancing the newly created Balti Local Transparency Council in its engagement of ensuring transparent local governance and citizens involvement in the decision-making process 04/04/2024
Tender no. 83462781 Enhancing the newly created Straseni Local Transparency Council in its engagement of ensuring transparent local governance and citizens involvement in the decision-making process 04/04/2024
Tender no. 83462756 for contracting of a short-term expert to provide advisory services on human resources management and civil service 04/04/2024
Anunț de achiziție a serviciilor foto/videografice pentru platforma web a Centrului de Consulanță în Afaceri 29/03/2024
GIZ - Advisor on Development and Demonstration Projects 25/03/2024
GIZ - Advisor on Anti-Corruption & Integrity 22/03/2024
Discuție publică #IPRE: Progrese, provocări și recomandări pentru impulsionarea utilizării soluțiilor digitale în sectorul justiției 21/03/2024
Tender no. 83461894 Organization of a series of events for project activities 19/03/2024
Tender no. 91179820 for the procurement of IT Equipment   18/03/2024
GIZ - Junior Advisor on Economic Policy 14/03/2024
GIZ - Policy Advisor on labour market development 14/03/2024
Tender no. 83461412 Organizing a study visit in the Republic of Moldova 12/03/2024
Tender no. 83461351 Support the anticorruption institutions to develop the communication strategies and provide mentorship in implementation 11/03/2024
Tender no. 83461346 Conduct a national communication campaign and awareness raising activities on Dual VET 11/03/2024