Finance Associate (SB3/5) _ UN Women
17/09/2024 |
Company/Organization to develop and pilot a comprehensive Model for Preventing and Combating Violence against women and domestic violence
11/09/2024 |
UN Women_Company/Organization to support the Ministry of Education and Research in the development of the institutional mechanism to prevent and combat sexual harassment for educational institutions
06/09/2024 |
UN Women_Company/Organization to development of National Capacity Building Program for Multidisciplinary Teams
06/09/2024 |
Extended deadline: National consultant to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) to strengthen data collection and case recording on gender-based violence _ UN Women
03/09/2024 |
Descoperiți traineri pentru pace: Sergiu Cibotaru – expert în comunicare politică și gândire critică
01/09/2024 |
Descoperiți Trainerii din cadrul programului Femei Ambasadoare ale Păcii - Elena Sili
31/08/2024 |
Лагерь Peace Ambassadors Camp для Женщин-Послов Мира
31/08/2024 |
Tabăra ”Peace Ambassadors Camp” pentru Femei Ambasadoare ale Păcii
31/08/2024 |
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs extins de selectare a unui/unei formator/-oare și interpret/-ă de limbajul semnelor pentru organizarea Cursului de învățare a limbajului semnelor pentru echipa „AudiViz”
30/08/2024 |
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs de selectare a unui/unei formator/-oare și interpret/-ă de limbajul semnelor pentru organizarea Cursului de învățare a limbajului semnelor pentru echipa „AudiViz”
22/08/2024 |
Extindere termen - AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs pentru selectarea unui/unei expert/-ă/companie în vederea elaborării paginii web a organizației
22/08/2024 |
Anunț de Concurs: Selecție Companie pentru Organizarea Peace Ambassadors Camp
21/08/2024 |
UN Women National Company/ organization to provide assistance to enhance women small producers' capacities and opportunities to access new markets
20/08/2024 |
UN Women Moldova_ Specialized national company/organization to conceptualize and implement a national storytelling communication campaign to address violence against women and girls.
20/08/2024 |
„AudiViz” anunță concurs extins de selectare a unui/unei profesor/-oară pentru organizarea cursurilor de engleză pentru echipa „AudiViz”
15/08/2024 |
AO „AudiViz” anunță concurs pentru selectarea unui/unei expert/-ă/companie în vederea elaborării paginii web a organizației
15/08/2024 |
AO AudiViz anunță concurs de selectare a unui/unei profesor/-oară pentru organizarea cursurilor de engleză pentru echipa „AudiViz”
02/08/2024 |
Extended deadline: Internship within Humanitarian Response and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls area, as part of UN diversity internship programme
31/07/2024 |
UN Women: RFQ for provision of promotional materials and printing services
30/07/2024 |
Extended deadline: National Consultant on Public Spaces Accessibility for Women and Girls to support the Scoping Study in Chisinau municipality and the development of the Programme Design
29/07/2024 |
National Consultant on Ending Violence against Women and Girls (EVAW) to conduct Scoping Study in Chisinau municipality and to develop a Programme Design
29/07/2024 |
Programme Associate/SB3.5 (Multiple positions)
26/07/2024 |
Extended deadline: Project Analyst, Gender Sensitive Governance and Budgets (NOA)
24/07/2024 |
UN Women - Photographer
04/07/2024 |
UN Women_National Company/NGO to support UN Women in conducting a situational Analysis on the access to justice of women victims/survivors of violence and from other underrepresented groups
01/07/2024 |
Extended deadline_UN Women_National Company/NGO to support UN Women in conducting a situational Analysis on the access to justice of women victims/survivors of violence and from other underrepresented groups
01/07/2024 |
UN Women tender: RFP for Leadership Development, Mentorship and Coaching Program for Women in Management - Extended - 11 July 2024.
28/06/2024 |
UN Women: RFQ for Catering services - 13 July 2024
21/06/2024 |
UN Women Event Management Services for Green Tech Initiatives
07/05/2024 |
UN Women_ RFQ_Provision of Office Acoustic Cabins (Soundproof Office Phone Booth)
12/04/2024 |
UN Women_Company/Organization to Provide Capacity Building to Local Women’s Organizations
11/04/2024 |
Women Peace Ambassadors Program backstage news
13/02/2024 |
UN Women: Company to implement WEPs capacity building and engagement
09/02/2024 |
Anunț de selectare a participantelor și participanților la instruire în scrierea proiectelor
22/01/2024 |
Peste 200 de femei ce au obținut funcții publice la nivel local își vor consolida cunoștințele privind buna guvernare și promovarea politicilor sensibile la gen
27/12/2023 |
Company to provide support for WEE in Trade and Export
28/11/2023 |
ITB Local Company to supply/produce furniture for kindergartens
25/10/2023 |
Operations Manager (Open for Moldova Nationals only)
25/10/2023 |
Extended deadline: UN Women Gender mainstreaming and data analyst to strengthen capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate (national consultant)
09/10/2023 |
Solicitare oferta de pret servicii de logistica si organizare evenimente
09/10/2023 |
UN Women Gender mainstreaming and data analyst to strengthen capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate (national consultant)
27/09/2023 |
UN Women Partnership and Coordination Analyst (Open for Moldova Nationals Only)
30/08/2023 |
Extended deadline: Organization/ Company or Consortium to provide support to the achievement of the objective of reducing the gender pay gap for equal work or work of equal value, UN Women
22/08/2023 |
Local company/ies to perform renovation works in childcare premises, UN Women
11/08/2023 |
UN Women: National consultant to support the institutionalization of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in Moldova (Open to Moldova Nationals Only)
28/07/2023 |
Extended: National company/organization to support peace initiatives in the Security Zone
19/07/2023 |
National Consultant to provide programmatic support on Women Economic Empowerment area, UN Women
05/07/2023 |
Extended: National Consultant to support private sector companies to implement Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business (UN Women)
13/06/2023 |
UN Women - National Consultant to support private sector companies to implement Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business
06/06/2023 |
Aplică și participă la Academia de Liderism Feminin pentru Pace
12/04/2023 |
UN Women - National Consultant / Civil works engineer
10/04/2023 |
Extended deadline: Company/Organization to conduct a series of finance educational activities for women from underrepresented groups, UN Women
07/04/2023 |
Company to provide audio-video conferencing equipment to UN Women Moldova
24/03/2023 |
Extended deadline: Company/Organization to conduct a series of finance educational activities for women from underrepresented groups, UN WOMEN
17/03/2023 |
Extended deadline: UN Women National Consultant to provide a capacity-building programme on Gender Responsive Peacebuilding
06/03/2023 |
Extended deadline: UN Women National consultant to develop a series of knowledge products, advocacy papers and regulatory policy recommendations to integrate Gender Equality commitments in peace processes
06/03/2023 |
Deadline Extended: UN Women: Call for Proposal (CFP) for Responsible Parties to advance gender equality and women’s leadership for women aspirants and candidates in political life and diplomacy
22/02/2023 |
Deadline extended: Call for Proposal for Civil Society Organisation/Consortium to provide increased access to business skills development and business support opportunities for women and girls, both Moldovan citizens and Ukrainian refugees
21/02/2023 |
UN Women: Deadline Extended: National Consultant with technical expertise on economic issues to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding
20/02/2023 |
UN Women: Deadline Extended: National Consultant with technical expertise on social issues to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding
20/02/2023 |
Deadline Extended. UN Women: Strategic Communication Consultant to support the Women in Leadership and Governance Area
14/02/2023 |
UN Women: National Consultant with technical expertise on community and personal security to support the informal Women´s Advisory Board (WAB) on Sustainable Peacebuilding
14/02/2023 |
Deadline Extended. UN Women: National Consultant to provide legal expertise on gender equality, including capacity building programmes for central public institutions in line with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
14/02/2023 |
Deadline Extended. UN Women: National Consultant with legal background to support the Women in Leadership and Governance Area
14/02/2023 |
International consultant to provide a capacity building programme on Gender Equality in Peacebuilding for peace process actors
13/02/2023 |
UN Women RFP Company/Organization to pilot the functioning of the specialized service for victims of sexual violence in Ungheni.
09/02/2023 |
National UN Youth Volunteer. Project Assistant
11/01/2023 |
National UN Volunteer Specialist. Local Coordinators
11/01/2023 |
Extended deadline: UN Women - National Consultant to facilitate the activation of the Women´s Advisory Board for the Sustainable Peacebuilding on both banks of Nistru river
27/12/2022 |
Call for Proposal (CFP) for Responsible Parties Civil Society Organizations/Consortium to deliver a set of interventions to support the Refugee women and girls’ and those from host communities survivors of GBV and those at-risk
23/12/2022 |
National Consultant on Monitoring and Evaluation for UN Women component under the Peacebuilding Fund Project
21/12/2022 |
Call for Proposal: Responsible Parties Public Institutions and CSOs/Consortium to deliver a set of interventions to support the Refugee women and girls’ survivors of GBV and those at-risk to livelihood opportunities, required assets, skills
21/12/2022 |
Call for applications (CFA): Small Grants for local Civil Society Organizations from both banks of the Nistru river under the Peacebuilding Fund Project implemented by UN Women Moldova CO
06/12/2022 |
Extension: Call for Proposal for Responsible Parties Civil Society Organisations/Consortium to deliver a set of interventions to support the Refugee women and girls survivors of GBV and those at-risk to livelihood opportunities, required assets, skills
07/11/2022 |
Call for Proposal (CFP) - Civil Society Organisations/Consortium to provide increased access to livelihood opportunities, required access, skills, and partnerships in Moldova for Ukrainian refugees
28/10/2022 |
UN Women: (Extended deadline) National Consultant to provide secretariat and technical and administrative support to the Informal Women´s Advisory Board for the Transnistrian Settlement Process
21/10/2022 |
CCF Moldova anunță concurs de selectare a unei locații (cu servicii de cazare, restaurant şi conferinţă) pentru organizarea și desfășurarea unui eveniment
12/10/2022 |
UN Women RFP National Company/Civil Society Organization to support UN Women’s work in the integration of gender equality perspective into local decision-making processes and budgets in Cahul and Ungheni districts (RFP/MDA30/2022/06964)
05/09/2022 |
Deadline extended: Local Company to perform reconstruction works at General Inspectorate of Carabiniers, Chisinau, Moldova
26/08/2022 |
Prelungirea Datei Finale pentru Apel de Propuneri
22/08/2022 |
Invitație de participare la Academia de Liderism Feminin pentru Pace
12/08/2022 |
UN Women: Specialized national media production & event management company to organize Women Entrepreneurship Expo 2022
27/07/2022 |
UN Women: Company/ies to provide Travel Management Services to UN WOMEN Country Office in Moldova (ITB/MDA30/2022/06696)
22/07/2022 |
UN Women: Company or Organization to conduct one summer camp on financial literacy and one on entrepreneurial education
19/07/2022 |
UN Women: National Communications Consultant
19/07/2022 |
UN Women: Local Individual Consultant on monitoring and reporting
18/07/2022 |
Program de Suport de tip Voucher (VSP) proiect ”Sprijin femeilor producătoare locale în dezvoltarea afacerilor, pentru creșterea durabilă și reziliența pe fonul pandemiei COVID-19”
05/07/2022 |
Extended deadline - UN Women National Communications Consultant
28/06/2022 |
UN Women: RFQ Travel Agent to provide round trip air tickets for Stockholm (25 travelers) and Vienna (32 travelers)
31/05/2022 |
UN Women: ITB Company to perform reconstruction works for the Specialized Service for Victims of Sexual Violence in Ungheni
31/05/2022 |
Un Women: Programme Analyst, Women, Peace and Security/Humanitarian Action
10/05/2022 |
UN Women Vacancy: Communications Associate
27/04/2022 |
UN Women Vacancy: Administrative Assistant
24/03/2022 |
UN Women: Team of three national consultants to support customizing and piloting a diagnostic tool on detecting stigma and discrimination against women with disability
22/03/2022 |
UN Women Vacancy: Administrative Associate
18/03/2022 |
Termen extins: A.O. Centrul de Drept al Femeilor anunță concurs de selectare a unei experte/ expert sau grup de experte/ți pentru elaborarea suportului de curs și livrarea unui curs de instruire în domeniul abilitării economice
22/02/2022 |
UN Women: National Communications Consultant to support COVID-19 Response Intervention
03/02/2022 |
Un Women: Programme Officer on Gender Mainstreaming
29/12/2021 |
Un Women: Programme Officer on Ending Violence Against Women and Children
29/12/2021 |