
Programul Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD)

Titlul Articolului Data Publicării
National Legal Consultant to develop and promote climate change related legal framework 31/05/2024
Company to conduct the inventory of the Hydrotechnical Infrastructure within the Dniester River Basin District 30/05/2024
Supply of Workstations for body cameras 23/05/2024
Communication and Outreach Consultant 21/05/2024
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Feasibility study related to the weapons registry in Moldova 21/05/2024
National Consultant to support extension of hydrological monitoring network 16/05/2024
National Consultant to assist public and private users of solid biomass boilers 14/05/2024
Company to perform reconstruction, arrangement and equipment of the Ungheni Industrial Hub 07/05/2024
Procurement of ten minibuses for children transportation 07/05/2024
Consultant on strategic and advisory support related to implementation of the Forensic Case Management System 02/05/2024
Company to Rent Printing Equipment to UNDP and UN Agencies in Moldova under Long Term Agreement basis. 29/04/2024
Company for Development of the computer subsystem 'Electoral Complaints' of State Automated Information System 'Elections' 24/04/2024
National consultant on providing remote assistance for public and private users of solid biomass boilers 24/04/2024
Extended deadline Company to implement an Eco Media Academy capacity development program for young aspiring journalists and/or communication specialists. 23/04/2024
Consultant for Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) 23/04/2024
ICT Capacity Development Consultant 22/04/2024
National Consultant in supporting Local Authority from Moldova in P4EG Development 22/04/2024
National Consultant to conduct an impact assessment of the pilot/demonstration projects to increase energy affordability in residential and public buildings, targeting specifically the most vulnerable and affected groups of population 22/04/2024
National consultant to act as Data Specialist under the evidence-based policy making initiatives 22/04/2024
Company to develop a Network of Insider Mediators and Their Capacity Building for Cross-River Thematic Platforms and Communities (initiation stage). 22/04/2024
Company to implement a Capacity Building Programme for the private sector involved in producing solid biofuels through non-cash support mechanism 22/04/2024
Company to develop educational materials and organize workshops to enhance understanding of the benefits of renewable energy use 22/04/2024
Company to design and implement a ToT Program on defensive tactics/less lethal use of force for the trainers of Police Academy from the Republic of Moldova 22/04/2024
Communication Equipment Modules for Piloting Smart Electricity Metering 22/04/2024
Company to provide data collection services on farmers activity for implementation of the digital National Farmers Registry in the Republic of Moldova 22/04/2024
Company to Develop the Trade Information Portal 22/04/2024
Individual Consultant - IT Expert for feasibility study related to the weapons registry in Moldova 22/04/2024
Termen Extins până la data de 17.04.2024!!! Anunț de lansare a licitației publice pentru linie completă de procesare post recoltare (batozor) 26/03/2024
UNDP - ICT Capacity Development Consultant 25/03/2024
Project Specialist/Local Public Administration Reform (NPSA-10) - UNDP Moldova/Building country resilience to shocks and increasing Government capacity to anticipate crises and recover better in a more inclusive way - 16401 16/02/2024
Communication Analyst (NPSA-8) - UNDP Moldova/Just Energy Transition - 16408 16/02/2024
Project Assistant (NPSA-5) – E-learning Project 16/02/2024
Project Associate (Roster NPSA-6) - UNDP Moldova Projects 02/02/2024
Project Associate (NPSA-7) - UNDP Moldova/ELearning - 15705 24/01/2024
Gender and Inclusion Analyst (NPSA-9) - UNDP Moldova 18/01/2024
National Communication Consultant - UNDP Moldova /PBF/OneUN JA/ UNPRPD 15/01/2024
Emisiunea radiofonică nr. 2/2023 din seria „Acces egal pentru toți la justiție” 04/01/2024
Dezvoltarea potențialului de export al companiilor 26/11/2023
Granturi pentru dezvoltarea capacităților organizațiilor de susținere a afacerilor 26/11/2023
Buletinul Informativ „Pro Accesibilitate! Pro Incluziune! Pro Democrație!” nr. 2 (35) / 2023 29/09/2023
Oportunitate pentru cadrele didactice: Program de formare pentru predarea disciplinei opționale Educația electorală (clasa IX/X) 21/07/2023
Concurs de granturi pentru lansarea sau dezvoltarea afacerilor pe ambele maluri ale Nistrului//Конкурс грантов для создания или развития бизнеса на обоих берегах Днестра 17/05/2023
Concurs de proiecte ecologice „Crești durabilitate” 14/03/2023
Solicitare de oferte pentru procurarea unei linii automate de îmbuteliere oțet 07/03/2023
Training: Ce trebuie să știi despre Procedurile de Export 05/02/2023
UNDP Moldova: UN House Receptionist - UN Moldova/Common Services Account Project 02/02/2023
Proiectul Elveția - PNUD Moldova: Concurs pentru selectarea a trei microregiuni beneficiare ale proiectului „Piețe reziliente și incluzive în Moldova” (PRIM) 24/01/2023
UNDP Moldova: Driver/Administrative Clerk (NPSA-3) - EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme (EU - funded) 23/01/2023
UNDP Moldova: Procurement Associate - UNDP Moldova Country Office 18/01/2023
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate (NPSA-6) - European Union - Confidence Building Measures Programme (EU - funded) 13/12/2022
UNDP Moldova: Driver/Administrative Clerk (NPSA-3) - EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme (EU - funded) 01/12/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance Assistant - UNDP Moldova Country Office 01/12/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate - OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 13/11/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate - UNODC Global Programme Against Trafficking (GLOT59) 12/11/2022
National Consultant to support the development and promotion of the University course on electoral education and democratic processes 09/11/2022
UNDP Moldova: Extended Deadline: Project Manager (NPSA-10) - Strengthening the Police Training Capacities in the Republic of Moldova Project 05/11/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Finance Associate (NPSA-7) - Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River 05/11/2022
UNDP Moldova: Extended Deadline: Finance/Administrative Associate UNDP Moldova Country Office (NPSA-6) 04/11/2022
UNDP Moldova: Extended Deadline: Project Officer/Analyst (NPSA-8): Business Development/Support to confidence building across the Nistru river through advanced cross-river capacities for trade (AdTrade) Project 24/10/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance and Administrative Assistant (Regular NPSA-5), Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty/FPI (EU-funded project) 17/10/2022
RfP22/02541: E-learning/ Coordonarea dezvoltării resurselor educaționale digitale pentru învățământul general 11/10/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Manager: Business Development (NPSA9) - EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme 07/10/2022
EXTENDED DEADLINE: UNDP Moldova: Procurement Associate (NPSA-7) - Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River Project 04/10/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance Associate (NPSA-7) - Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River 30/09/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Manager (NPSA-9) - Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River 30/09/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance/Administrative Associate UNDP Moldova Country Office (NPSA-6) 19/09/2022
UNDP Moldova: Operations Manager - UNDP Moldova Country Office 09/09/2022
UNDP Moldova: ICT Assistant - UNDP Moldova Country Office (NPSA-5) 06/09/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Human Rights Officer – OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 06/09/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Project Manager/National Coordinator (short-term) - EU4Climate Project 06/09/2022
UNDP Moldova: Programme Analyst (NPSA-9) - Environment, Energy and Climate Change Cluster (EECC) 23/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Programme Associate (Country Office) 16/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Tender Announcement - Development of e-Day Module software system (EDMITE II) 12/08/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Project Analyst (NPSA-8) - Enhancing democracy in Moldova through inclusive and transparent elections 10/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance Assistant (NPSA-5) - UNDP Moldova Country Office 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Manager/National Coordinator (short-term) - EU4Climate Project 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Programme Manager (short-term) - Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Programme/FPI (EU-funded) 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate - OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Human Rights Officer – OHCHR component of the Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova 04/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Finance Coordinator (short-term) - Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Programme/FPI (EU-funded) 03/08/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Associate (NPSA 7) - Mayors for Economic Growth Facility Project (M4EG) 29/07/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Officer (Analyst) (NPSA-8) - AdTrade Project 29/07/2022
UNDP Moldova: Driver/Administrative Clerk (NPSA-3) - AdTrade Project 29/07/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Analyst (short-term) - Joint Project – Emergency support for agri-producers in the context of socio-economic and energy crisis Project under ResCom Project 29/07/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Finance and Administrative Assistant (short-term) - Joint Project – Emergency support for agri-producers in the context of socio-economic and energy crisis Project under ResCom Project 29/07/2022
UNDP Moldova: Procurement Analyst 18/07/2022
Solicitare ofertă pentru Procurare Echipament Apicol 01/07/2022
Cerere de oferte privind selectarea unui prestator de servicii IT pentru dezvoltarea aplicației mobile #CROSSNISTRU de tip hartă turistică interactivă 17/06/2022
UNDP Moldova: Communication Analyst (short-term) - Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Programme/FPI (EU-funded) 16/06/2022
Dorești să înveți mai multe despre Consiliul de Elevi, să-ți perfecționezi capacitățile de lider, să contribui la eficientizarea activității organelor de conducere din școala ta? 13/06/2022
Extended deadline: Project Manager (NPSA-10) - Support to confidence building across the Nistru river through advanced cross-river capacities for trade (AdTrade) Project 13/06/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Support Specialist (IC - up to 120 working days), Enhancing Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections (EDMITE) Project 12/06/2022
UNDP Moldova: Project Support Specialist (IC - up to 120 working days), Enhancing Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections (EDMITE) Project 08/06/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Project Associate (NPSA-6) - European Union - Confidence Building Measures Programme - UNDP Moldova (EU funded) 08/06/2022
Cerere de oferte privind achiziționarea echipamentului tehnic 07/06/2022
UNDP Moldova: Security Guard (NPSA-3), multiple posts - The Common Services Account (CSA) Project 06/06/2022
Cerere de oferte privind selectarea unui prestator de servicii pentru organizarea unei competiții pentru tineri, în regiunile aflate de-a lungul Râului Nistru 03/06/2022
Cerere de oferte pentru selectarea serviciilor de expertiză în domeniul turismului în regiunile localizate de-a lungul Râului Nistru 03/06/2022
Extended deadline: Procurement Coordinator (NPSA-7) - Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Programme (EU-funded)/FPI 20/05/2022
Extended deadline: UNDP Moldova: Communications Analyst (NPSA8) - Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Programme (EU-funded)/FPI 18/05/2022

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