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Consultant/group of consultants to map and to analyze the international and regional recommendations of human rights bodies on gender equality and youth inclusion

In order to support the advocacy efforts of the civil society for advancing gender equality and inclusion (youth, Roma, people with disabilities, elderly, LGBTQ+) in Moldova, the East Europe Foundation will hire a consultant/ group of consultants to map the relevant recommendations issued by international and regional human rights bodies and the legal amendments pending approval of the Parliament and Government. 


During 01 October 2024 – 30 September 2027 the East Europe Foundation, Partnership for Development Centre, the National youth Council of Moldova and Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria are implementing the project Civic Engagement for Youth and Women Empowerment”. The project is funded by the European Union and Co-funded by Sweden. 

The project seeks to reduce gender inequalities and scale up youth activism through CSO capacity development and engagement. The project will (i) enable over 100 CSOs to shape national public policies from the perspective of youth inclusion and gender equality under the umbrella of the Coalition for Inclusion and Non-Discrimination; (ii) strengthen the policy advocacy, outreach and constituency engagement capacity of youth and women’s associations; (iii) mobilise constituencies and influence regional and local policy implementation aimed at advancing gender equality youth inclusion


In order to support the advocacy efforts of the civil society for advancing gender equality and inclusion (youth, Roma, people with disabilities, elderly, LGBTQ+) in Moldova, the East Europe Foundation will hire a consultant/ group of consultants to map the relevant recommendations issued by international and regional human rights bodies and the legal amendments pending approval of the Parliament and Government. 

Terms of Reference and additional information may be accessed here:

East Europe Foundation is announcing a contest for selection of a consultant/group of consultants to map and to analyze the international and regional recommendations of human rights bodies on gender equality and youth inclusion - EAST EUROPE FOUNDATION (

Application package

The applicant should submit the following documents:

  • CV reflecting the relevant experience of the applicant with at least 3 references;
  • Examples of similar tasks performed by the applicant, if applicable;
  • Short methodological note explaining the approach to the tasks to be accomplished;
  • Detailed budget for the deliverables in EUR (total price, daily fee). 

Selection criteria

  • Qualifications and experience of the applicant in the field (40%);
  • The quality of methodological note (30%);
  • The financial offer (30%). 


The deadline for submissions is October 25, 2024.

The application should be sent to the following e-mail address:  with “Consultant mapping amendments gender equality and youth inclusion” in the subject line.

All questions regarding this task shall be addressed in written to Andrei Brighidin, EEF Director for Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, at

For more information about East Europe Foundation, please access Only selected applicants will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.




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