Extended: WHO 2022/EURO/MDA/029: Provision of 15 units of ABGA equipment for the hospitals in the Republic of Moldova
22/12/2022 |
2022/EURO/MDA/0023: Procurement of branded of informative materials for the vaccination campaign
08/11/2022 |
2022/EURO/MDA/0022: Procurement of automated external defibrillator (AED ) for primary health care facilities of the Republic of Moldova
04/11/2022 |
Extended: 2022/EURO/MDA/0020: Procurement of lifting and handling equipment for the medicines warehouse of SanfarmPrim
02/11/2022 |
Title: 2022/EURO/MDA/0019: Training on emergency surgery in a limited resources environment in the Republic of Moldova
24/10/2022 |
Extended: 2022/EURO/MDA/018: Provision of two units of USG equipment for the two hospitals in the Republic of Moldova
24/10/2022 |
WHO ITB 2022/EURO/MDA/0016: Provision of IT equipment for the National Agency for Public Health
05/10/2022 |
WHO ITB 2022/EURO/MDA/0011 Procurement of IT equipment for the National Agency for Public Health
03/08/2022 |
Technical Officer - Clinical Management - (2205430)
16/06/2022 |
Programme Assistant (Roster) - (2204853)
16/06/2022 |
WHO ITB 2022/EURO/MDA/0006: Procurement of fuel for vaccines distribution and immunization supportive supervision visits in the Republic of Moldova
27/05/2022 |
External Communications Officer - UN Volunteers
17/03/2022 |
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Specialist - UN Volunteers
17/03/2022 |
WHO ITB 2021/EURO/MDA/0010: Procurement of laboratory consumables, reagents and devices for the Republic of Moldova
04/08/2021 |
WHO ITB 2021/EURO/MDA/0018: Procurement of equipment for the COVID-19 vaccination e-registry and routine immunization program implementation in the Republic of Moldova
02/08/2021 |
National Policy Dialogue “Road Safety Leadership” in Moldova
06/06/2019 |
Dialog de politici: Liderii pentru siguranța rutieră
03/06/2019 |
A 5 ediție a Săptămânii Globale pentru Siguranța Rutieră a ONU marcată în Moldova
10/05/2019 |
Cea de-a IV-a ediție a Săptămânii Globale pentru Siguranța Rutieră la Chișinău
16/05/2017 |