Request for Proposals: Consultant for mapping of division of Local Public Administration functions in Moldova
SALAR International is looking for an experienced consultant to conduct a mapping of division of Local Public Administration (LPA) functions in Moldova.
SALAR International is conducting an inception phase during 2024 for a multi-year project intervention to support the implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy (PAR) 2023-2030 in Moldova. To support these efforts, SALAR-I aims to conduct a mapping of the current division of LPA functions. The aim of this mapping is to support the State Chancellery of Moldova in the effective implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2023-2030 at the level of local government, and can act as an instrument for activities and realisation of the result-oriented approach to all components of the SALAR-I project.
SALAR International is now searching for a consultant who will conduct this mapping.
This assignment is expected to start no later than 15 November 2024. The final report will be submitted and approved by SALAR International no later than 30 January 2025.
Application instructions
Interested person(s) are invited to submit their proposals by 18:00 Moldova time on 10 November 2024 via e-mail to the following email account: Indicating "Moldova Concept Study" in the subject line.
Questions regarding this assignment can be directed to
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