Council of Europe is launching a Call for Tenders
The Council of Europe is launching a call for tenders for the procurement of national consultancy services to be provided within the framework of the Project ‘‘Support to the Office of the Ombudsperson in the Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova - Phase I”.
Consultancy services are needed in the following fields:
- Managerial development and organisational improvement;
- Strategic communication, awareness raising, advocacy on human rights related matters;
- Digital literacy enhancement and integration of Artificial Intelligence tools in human rights work;
- Training in the field of human rights with a focus on the national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights;
- Legal proofreading.
For detailed information, please see the Tender File and the Act of Engagement:
Deadline for tendering: 9 September 2024 23h59.
Alte anunturi de angajare
- Coordonator de programe ToR
- Asistent filiala din cadrul echipei mobile de urgență (pentru Chișinău și Bălți)
- CFRM (Community Feedback and Response Mechanism) Assistant
- Asociația Amici dei Bambini, Moldova angajează Coordonator/ Coordonatoare de activități educative
- IT Specialist to assist the MoER with the development and implementation of IT systems under MHEP
- Specialist principal informarea și documentarea tinerilor (Centrul de Tineret sectorul Rîșcani, str. Miron Costin 7B)
- Director Resurse Umane
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