Investigator-Analyst, Prosecutorial Vetting Secretariat


Prosecutorial Vetting Secretariat

The position is only open to nationals of Moldova residing in Moldova.

Applications will be accepted until all open positions are filled.



Global Solutions Ventures (GSV), a joint venture partnership between ZemiTek, LLC and Dexis Consulting Group, seeks qualified candidates for an anticipated project vetting Moldovan prosecutors. The project would provide a fully staffed secretariat to support a multi-national Prosecutorial Vetting Commission appointed by the Moldovan Parliament pursuant to Law 252/2023 which entered into force August 22, 2023.  The project is expected to begin in October 2023. This position is contingent upon contract award.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Investigator / Analyst will work as a member of one of two technical teams within the Secretariat and in support of one of the Commission panels as described in Law 252/2023. The Investigator-Analyst will report to the Head of Secretariat and/or Senior Technical Expert. Successful applicants will be professionally flexible and willing to work in a team, independently and/or in direct partnership with individual Commission members.

The primary duty of the Investigator-Analyst will be to conduct research and background checking for individual integrity assessments of vetting candidates. Based on the official Rules of Procedure adopted by the Commission this may include, but not be limited to, the following activities.

  •  Collecting required information for the vetting process which may include:

           Compiling and analyzing relevant open-source data.

           Compiling and analyzing information provided by third parties.

           Compiling and analyzing data and information from various national and international agencies.

           Identifying, compiling, and analyzing additional data/information needed throughout the vetting process.

  • Coordination with Financial Analysts to analyze and summarize data received from financial institutions.
  • Analysis of candidates’ asset declarations.
  • Work cooperatively with all other Secretariat staff and all commission members
  • All other duties as assigned.

The Investigator-Analyst may also be asked to:

  • Support the Commission, Head of Secretariat and Senior Technical Expert for the successful implementation of ad-hoc activities.
  • Participate in or provide support to Commission Hearings.

Minimum Requirements:

  • A university degree in a field related to any of the following - law, finance, accounting, data science, social sciences, or investigative journalism.
  • Experience accessing and extracting information from national databases such as, but not limited to, Tax Service, National Bank, Border Police, Credit Bureau etc.
  • Experience analyzing financial and/or banking data.
  • Experience conducting open-source intelligence research (OSINT).
  • Experience conducting research and preparing data driven reports.  
  • Highly organized and detailed oriented, able to work under pressure.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Fluency in Romanian and level B2, or higher, proficiency in English.
  • Intermediate level expertise with core Microsoft office programs:  Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Disqualifying factors:

  • Current or past work in the Moldovan prosecution system, in any role. 
  • Status as a candidate prosecutor.
  • Status as a student at the NIJ.

Applicants are advised that job offers are contingent upon the following:

      1) GSV receipt of a complete application packet as defined below.

      2) Passing a NAC background check.

      3) GSV receipt of three positive professional reference checks (recommendation letters will not be accepted and should not be submitted)

      4) Those offered employment may not engage in any other form of employment, consultancy, or other categories of work during the contract period. 

To apply qualified candidates must submit the following to

      1) A current CV in ENGLISH.

      2) A cover letter in ENGLISH that defines how you meet the minimum requirements.

      3) A list of three professional references including name, position title, organization, mobile number, email address and relationship to the candidate. Please note that reference letters will not be considered.

      4) A declaration stating the applicant has no family or close personal contacts within the prosecutorial system or a listing of the family members or close personal contacts in the prosecutorial system.

      5) A copy of the national ID and/or passport photo page.

      6) Completion of the consent to background check form provided below.


Consimțământul pentru controlul de fond/ a antecedentelor

Subsemnatul/Subsemnata, confirm că am aplicat la Secretariatul Pre-Vetting/ de Evaluare  a Procurorilor și recunosc că candidatura mea este supusă unui control de fond/ a antecedentelor efectuat de Centrul Național Anticorupție (CNA) din Moldova. Furnizarea datelor mele personale, copiei buletinului meu de identitate/pașaportului , CV-ului și semnătura de mai jos servesc drept consimțământ pentru ca datele mele personale să fie examinate de către CNA în vederea finalizării controlului de fond / a antecedentelor necesar antece

Înțeleg că rezultatele ycontrolului de fond/a antecedentelor mele vor fi transmise catre Dexis Consulting Group în calitatea  anagajator și autoritate contractantă pentru poziția la care am aplicat.

De asemenea, confirm că parte a consimțământului meu sunt atașate următoarele:

__XX_ Copia pe fața și verso a buletinului meu de identitate/ pașaportului

__XX_ CV-ul current, cu indicarea tuturor locurilor de muncă și studiilor anterioare .



Consent to Background / Clearance Check

I, confirm that I have applied to the Pre-Vetting / Prosecutorial Vetting Secretariat and acknowledge that my candidacy is subject to a background / clearance check conducted by the National Anti-Corruption Center (NAC) of Moldova. Provision of my personal details, copy of my ID card/ passport, CV, and signature below serve as my consent to have my personal data screened by NAC to complete the required background/clearance check.

I understand that the results of my background/clearance check will be forwarded to Dexis Consulting Group as the hiring and contracting authority for the position to which I have applied. 

I further confirm that the following are attached here as part of my consent:

__XX_  Copy of the photo page of my ID card/ passport. 

__XX_  Current CV showing all past employment and education.



Nume (tipărit)/Name (printed):

Nume de familie (tipărit)/Surname (printed):

Numărul național de identificare sau numărul pașaportului /National ID number or passport number:




Semnat la (introduceți data)/

Signed on (enter date):







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