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Invitation to Tender: Mobile App Development for Digital Pocket Guide Project – Charity Center for Refugees

Invitation to Tender: Mobile App Development for Digital Pocket Guide Project – Charity Center for Refugees



The Charity Center for Refugees, a reputable charity center dedicated to assisting Ukrainian refugees, invites qualified and experienced mobile app development companies to submit price offers for the creation of a digital pocket guide in the form of a mobile application. The primary objective is to provide Ukrainian refugees with an efficient tool for language assistance, featuring audio pronunciation of phrases in both Ukrainian and Romanian.

Scope of Work:

The successful bidder will be responsible for the comprehensive development of a user-friendly mobile application available on both Android and iOS platforms. The application will integrate pre-translated content from Ukrainian to Romanian, and vice versa, which is already available in a Word document. Key features include:

  1. Play Button Functionality: Implement a play button feature to allow users to hear the accurate pronunciation of phrases in both languages.
  2. User Interface (UI): Design an intuitive and visually appealing interface for seamless user navigation.
  3. Platform Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with Android and iOS platforms for widespread accessibility.
  4. Content Integration: Integrate the pre-translated content into the application, maintaining clarity and accuracy.

Submission Requirements:

Interested companies are requested to submit the following documents:

  1. Technical Proposal: Detailing the proposed approach to development, including a breakdown of the features, development timeline, and any relevant technical considerations.
  2. Financial Proposal: Providing a comprehensive breakdown of costs associated with the development, including but not limited to, design, coding, testing, and post-launch support.


The deadline for the submission of proposals is December 10th. Late submissions will not be considered.

Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on technical expertise, experience, cost-effectiveness, and the proposed timeline.


Submission Address:  and with subject: “Mobile App Development for Digital Pocket Guide Project”


Enquiries:  or +373 68 57 55 28, Oleg Popa.

We look forward to receiving your detailed proposals and thank you for your interest in contributing to this impactful initiative.



Charity Center for Refugees Team


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