Open Call for the Coaching Programme for organisations new to the European Solidarity Corps



☑️SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus announced the second phase of the online Coaching Programme for organisations new to the European Solidarity Corps.
❗️The aim of the Coaching Programme is to increase the number of organisations active in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme and implement qualitative projects in five countries of the Eastern Partnership (both host and support roles): Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (only support role).
● youth organisations and local public bodies working with youth (libraries, cultural centres), municipalities, schools etc.
● organisations that were never accredited for European Voluntary Service or European Solidarity Corps programmes and who are at the same time motivated for being active in supporting (sending) and/ or hosting ESC volunteers in the future (applying for the Quality Label)
● preferably organisations coming from outside of capital cities, from rural areas, disfavoured urban areas, working with youth with fewer opportunities or other marginalised groups
📌More detailed information can be found here:
🖊To apply, please follow the link:
✔️The application deadline is 30.04.2024.
The Coaching programme will start in the second half of May 2024 and will last about 3 months. The course consists of min.10 and max. 20 hours of individual online sessions per organisation with a coach, depending on the needs of the organisation.


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