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Coding Workshops | Summer Camp | North Carolina-Republic of Moldova Exchange Program

America House Chisinau and YSA invite school students (14-18)  interested in technology and computer science careers to join this exciting coding workshop as part of the North Carolina-Moldova STEM Exchange Program. Students will master the fundamentals of Python and HTML as they work collaboratively with youth in North Carolina to design, create, and implement an app over the course of six working sessions. 

    • Session One: Students are introduced to the basics of the coding languages Python and HTML. Students will participate in a series of coding challenges to practice and apply the skills they have learned. 
    • Session Two: Students will begin to learn how to work with data as well as be introduced to Django, a Python-based web platform for app design. The session will also cover how AI can be used as a helpful tool and students will practice coding with the help of ChatGPT. 
    • Session Three: Students will be split into front and back-end teams with participants from both America House and North Carolina. Teams will work to plan out and design their portion of the app. 
  • Session Four and Five: These are working sessions where students will work in their teams to build and test code for the element of the app they are responsible for. Each session will end with a whole group meeting and status update from each team. 

Session Six: In our final session each group will present their final product and the app will be synthesized into one unit. This session will end with a showcase of the final app product.

You can register here:  

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

The program is free of charge.



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