Austrian Development Agency - Airtime and live broadcasting on TV

Austrian Development Agency - Airtime and live broadcasting on TV

Invitation to submit an offer

For services of airtime and live broadcasting on TV and online media

ADA Project Number: 6550-00/2022; EU Contract Number 2021/427-494

Procurement no. 025-Broadcasting

Dear Madam/Sir

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) intends to conclude a service contract in the context of/concerning: services of airtime and live broadcasting on TV and online media.

The services to be performed and the results/outputs to be achieved are summarized in the Terms of Reference chapter of the Tender Document.

Should you/your institution/your company be interested in this task, we would invite you to provide us with your offer in ENGLISH language at the latest until April 25, 2023, 1700 (Chisinau time). Please submit the offer to: cc: Leonid Mazilu, Procurement and Project Officer.

The offer should contain the following information:

Technical offer

  • Brief description of the organization, including the year and country of incorporation, and types of activities undertaken.
  • Relevance of specialized knowledge and experience on similar engagements done in the region/country (based on Annex-02_Description of references) and Portfolio”.
  • CV(s) of the proposed Project Manager
  • Duly signed documents according to the templates Annexes 03 and 04.

Financial offer

Duly signed document according to the Annex-01 Financial Offer Form.

For more information and Tender dosier, please send a request to 

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