English Conversation Club | Presidents’ Day: America’s Leaders and Their Legacies

Join America House in celebrating Presidents’ Day in the United States with a discussion of the lives, legacies, and leadership styles of American Presidents! From policy to leadership styles, together with Fulbright ETA Sam Hearn, and American Spaces volunteer Gabriela Lupacescu, we will explore the lives of some of the most consequential US Presidents and how they shaped America's future. 

You are also encouraged to bring your questions about the United States Presidency to the discussion.


Led by Sam Hearn, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant, the English Conversation Club provides the perfect opportunity for youth aged 14 - 25 to improve English language skills while having meaningful conversations and exploring various engaging topics in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Fall Winter Covers 33

Informație despre eveniment

Data evenimentului 08-02-2025 4:00 pm
Sfârșitul evenimentului 08-02-2025 5:00 pm
Capacitatea 40
Locuri disponibile 40
Eveniment adăugat de Daniela Munca-Aftenev
Localitatea evenimentului Chisinau (Municipiul Chisinau)

Înregistrarea pentru acest eveniment s-a încheiat.

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