
USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) - Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 2021-001

Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 2021-001

Issuance Date: October 22, 2021

1st round of concept papers requested by: November 22, 2021

Closing Date: October 21, 2022

The USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) is a five-year project financed by USAID and implemented by Chemonics International. The purpose of FTA is to enhance the competitiveness of Moldova’s transformative sectors, including light manufacturing, ICT, precision engineering, creative industries, and digital media production, and to improve the country’s integration with Western markets in these sectors. It will do so by facilitating sustainable partnerships between Moldovan business associations, centers of excellence and innovation, and similar institutions and anchor firms and regional and international business associations and investors; improving the productivity and export sophistication of local companies; fostering the introduction of green technologies and sustainable best practices; enhancing the access to affordable finance, and by creating a labor force that is better aligned with the private sector needs, especially for youth, women, and vulnerable populations.

FTA is seeking concept papers for the implementation of activities designed to support institutions (business associations (BA), business supporting organizations (BSO), universities hosting centers of excellence and innovation (COEI), and NGOs co-located within centers of excellences and innovation) to enable light manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT), precision engineering, green economy, creative industries, and digital media production sectors to increase entrepreneurship, expand market linkages to EU and other high value markets, build a high-capacity digitally-driven workforce, spur digitalization, sustainability and innovation, and advocate for a better business environment and eco-system for the mentioned sectors. The grants will be awarded and implemented in accordance with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and US Government regulations governing grants under contracts and FTA’s internal grant management policies.

The full text of APS and Annex A: Grant Concept Paper can be found here.

Please submit all questions concerning this solicitation via email to:

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