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SKAT Moldova is hiring Community Engagement and M&E Officer

Job Title: Community Engagement and M&E Officer

Location: Chisinau, Moldova

Duration: Six months (part-time), with the possibility of extension to a full-time position depending on available funding.


Fundația Centrul Moldo-Elvețian pentru Cooperare SKAT (SKAT Moldova) is the implementing entity in the Republic of Moldova of donor-funded projects of SKAT Consulting Ltd., a Swiss consulting firm. Currently, SKAT implements in Moldova two large projects in the area of local government reform (Swiss-financed) and Water and Sanitation Services in rural areas (Austrian-financed). Related to these large projects which have a duration of 4 and more years each, there is one smaller contract (Energy Efficiency in rural areas, until December 2024) and we expect the commencement of another project (focusing on water supply and energy efficiency) in the third quarter of 2024.

About the project and the position

ApaSan28 is a Moldovan water and sanitation initiative building on the successes of ApaSan (2009-2019) and ApaSan+ (2020-2024). The project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), commenced in May 2024 and will run for 4 years. It aims to address rural sanitation challenges by ensuring safe drinking water and promoting sustainable decentralized WASH management at the local level, ultimately enhancing the living conditions of rural populations through year-round access to safe drinking water and household sanitation.

For the inception phase of ApaSan28, expected to last until December 2024, Skat is seeking a Community Engagement and M&E Officer. This role is part-time and temporary (6 months, starting in July 2024) with the potential to transition into a long-term position based on project needs, performance and available funding.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Community Engagement:
    • Facilitate community meetings and workshops in the targeted villages.
    • Engage with local public authorities (LPAs) and regional operators to enhance their involvement and cooperation.
    • Develop and implement strategies to increase community awareness and participation in the project’s activities.
    • Address community concerns and feedback, ensuring they are reflected in project implementation.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E):
    • Develop a comprehensive M&E plan for the project, based on the existing logframe
    • Prepare and supervise the baseline survey (including gender analysis) to be conducted during the inception phase
    • Collect and analyze data on project indicators, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
    • Prepare regular reports on project progress, challenges, and successes.
    • Conduct field visits to monitor the implementation of project activities.
  • Capacity Building:
    • Support the training of local authorities and communities on decentralized sanitation and water management.
    • Assist in strengthening the capacities of municipalities and operators for improved management of water and sanitation infrastructure.
  • Communication:
    • Maintain regular communication with the project team, local authorities, and other stakeholders.
    • Ensure clear and transparent dissemination of project goals, progress, and outcomes to all relevant parties.

Qualifications and skills required:


Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Public Health, Environmental Science, Development Studies, or a related field.


  • Minimum of 2-3 years of relevant experience in community engagement, M&E, or related fields.
  • Experience working on water and sanitation projects is desirable.
  • Previous experience in a similar role within Moldova is a plus.
  • Proven experience in communication-related roles such as Public Relations, Marketing, Media Relations, Content Creation, Social Media Management, and Corporate Communications would be an asset.


  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Proficiency in data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Fluency in Romanian and good command of English.

Other requirements

  • Willingness to travel to rural areas within Moldova.
  • Commitment to the project's goals and objectives.


How to Apply

Interested individuals are invited to apply by sending the following documents to  with the subject line “Community Engagement and M&E Officer”, at latest by July 14, 2024.

  • Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  • Motivational letter (in English)

Kindly note that generic, AI-generated letters (e.g., ChatGPT standard letters) will not be considered. We highly value originality and genuine motivation. Should you find it difficult to provide a personalized letter, it is preferable to submit your application without a motivational letter.

Skat Consulting will ensure confidentiality in the recruitment process. Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

For any specific questions or inquiries, please contact


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